Our Solution
Our solution is simple - deep dives into new and existing projects with unbiased pros and cons - project by project we aim to demystify the ecosystem. We’ll build off of the interviews we’ve already conducted; but look to move away from hype focused and stick to straight facts.
Starting immediately we will be releasing audits on projects within the metis ecosystem; these audits will not only dive into the project itself but also the founders, the tokenomics, and how they stack up against similar projects both within Metis and elsewhere in web3.
Where possible we will reach out to project founders and look to set up an interview in which they can clear up any confusion we might have “on the record.”
Our audits will be presented as is, with no recommendation about the validity of any investment. They will include what we like and, if there are any, our concerns. We will invite projects to clear up any concerns we have and we will always be willing to adjust reports where necessary.
We hope that by creating a compendium such as this that more projects will engage in honest no B.S. marketing.
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