How Can I Help?
By now you’re probably sat there thinking “wow, what a revolutionary idea, how do I get involved?”. Well that’s not surprising, and the good news is that we will heavily rely on our community to grow - and that includes you.
First; awareness. Our audits aren’t much good if nobody ever reads them. We need the VestaDAO community to be our many voices - not just by sharing stuff on twitter, but by engaging with our material and challenging people with the information contained within. We want to be the “Snopes” of Metis, the site you smugly link to when somebody else is wrong.
We are currently in discussions about how we can track and gamify this process; so that we can keep score on who is doing their part. We have nothing firm on this yet nor a firm plan on how these individuals might be rewarded - but we do think it’s something we’d like to implement.
Secondly: If you know a ton about web3 and would like to be part of our audit team; we could use all the help we can get. We’d particularly love to hear from people with a confident understanding of the underlying tech. As outlined in VestaDAO: the Current Picture this would initially be on a voluntary basis - we hope that this will change in the future.
Last updated